Ndokwa Association UK CIO
Ndokwa Association UK CIO is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation with Charity Number 1198757. NAUK CIO provides practical support and advice to elderly, disabled and disadvantaged people especially, but not exclusively of Ndokwa Origin living anywhere in the world.
Our Mission
To alleviate Social Isolation, loneliness and poverty in our community NAUK-CIO has been established to address the needs of the elderlies, the disabled and the less privileged in our community in the UK and the world at large.
NAUK-CIO will engage in:
1.The relief of need, hardship and distress in our community
2.The promotion of racial harmony for the benefit of the public, by educating the general public about Ukwuani language, other languages of Ndokwa land and Ukwuani history, culture and values, so as to promote good relations between people from different racial groups.
3.The advancement of education and the provision of facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure time with the objective of improving the conditions of life in the community
Overcoming poverty in not a gesture of Charity it is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, ant the right to dignity and a decent life (Nelson Mandela)


